

This blog is mostly dedicated to my ranting about anything that comes to mind. There are literally no boundaries to the topics. I could talk about something that happened to me during the day--or I could share my thoughts on some type of issue or event going on in the world. Ultimately, it's all just whatever happens to come out of my head that I feel like sharing.

Hope you enjoy :)


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Too Much Sugar in That Coating

And so the rants begin...

You know, it's kind of sad that this is going to be my first rant on this page. Originally I began ranting in a Facebook status (as many of us do), but then I remembered that I made this blog for the very purpose of ranting about whatever the hell I want...even if it is only to whine about my first world problems (because, honestly, what other problems could an American university student coming from a middle class family really have?)

No, really though. I promise that I'm making a (somewhat) valid point here, even if it's a bit whiny this time around. It seems to me that I have many people in my life that care about me a lot. They want me to be happy and often try their best not to hurt me if at all possible. Horrible, right? I wouldn't wish that fate upon anyone...

None of that mushy stuff. You're better off dead.

Okay, okay, there is actually nothing wrong with this (most of the time). I love these people very much and care about them, as well. What I can't take, however, is the fact that many of these people that are close to my heart often make life more difficult than it needs to be. How? They sugarcoat. And I don't mean they make the truth simply look a little "sweeter." They straight up take a huge bag of sugar and freaking dump the entire thing on the plate, ultimately making the dish worse than it already was.

Yummmm....sugar. Shall I add a side of sugar with that sugar, sugar?

In reality, they might as well be telling me some straight up lies with how hard they seem to be avoiding telling me the actual situation. I think the worse form of sugarcoating is when someone gives you the illusion that you have options...but in reality, you don't. Now not having many options may suck, but I can honestly get over it more easily if I am told off the bat that that is the case. It irritates me way more when someone tries to make it seem like I have many options when, in reality, I do not. Why? Because, more often than not, it causes the loss of other opportunities that I would have gone for had I known what my options actually were. All the while, I wasn't going to get everything I wanted to begin with.

What he doesn't know is that each of these rooms leads to the exact same place...
A room full of rabid  fan girls waiting to maul the crap out of him.
The poor bastard.

I get that it's hard to tell people you care about anything that might make them unhappy...especially if they are sissy babies and may not handle the news very well, but you know what? I'm a big girl and I have my big girl panties on. I may not be a fully independent adult, yet (though that time is approaching faster than I'd like to acknowledge), but I can handle the fact that life is not all flowers and rainbows (I actually prefer if it's not because I'm allergic to nature). You can sugarcoat it if you want to be nice, but if you douse me in sugar, all you are really doing is giving me diabetes.

In short, everyone limit that sugar. And if you can't monitor your sugar, just don't use it at all. Be frank. That way, when shit hits the fan, people are less likely to want to punch you in the face for not giving them a fair warning.

And that concludes the rant for now, kiddos. Tune in next time...
